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Watch this video and more on YYOGA at Home

Seated Womb Meditation for Self Compassion & Healing (25 min) - with Joss Frank

Moon Cycle • 21m

Up Next in Moon Cycle

  • Calm the Body, Calm the Mind (25 min)...

    Unwind, let go, and destress. Sasha takes us through a gentle and mindful yoga practice to help let go of stress and anxiety after a long day. This class is also great for those with menstrual cramps or an upset stomach.

    Optional props: yoga blocks or pillows

  • Gentle Moon Flow (40 min) - with Hill...

    Join Hillary for a 40-minute gentle Vinyasa Flow class. This class is meant to be a nurturing, feel-good Flow, so take the time to allow yourself to modify your practice. The intention isn't to push your limits but to honour your body where it is today.

    This class can be done by anyone, anytime...

  • Calming Evening Moon Class (20 min) —...

    When you're ready to call it a night, Crystal's Cool Evening Flow honours the moon and all you just worked through. Clear your mind, calm your nerves, and practice Brahmari breath before returning to your bed.

    Synchronize breath with movement in order to build strength, balance, and flexibility...