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Watch this video and more on YYOGA at Home

Pilates for Toned Legs (15 min) - with Alison Klektau

10 - 15 minutes • 15m
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Up Next in 10 - 15 minutes

  • Meditiation for the Mind Body Connect...

    Inspired by the laws of karma, Hillary guides us through a grounding and restorative mediation to help you turn inward, reflect, and realign your mind-body connection.

  • 15 Minute Flow to Reflect on Your Day...

    Jasmina guides you through a short and thoughtful sequence to help you wind down and process your day.

  • Spring Equinox Meditation (10 min) - ...

    Spring is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts. To celebrate the Spring Equinox, Aaliya guides us through a soothing meditation to feel renewed and refreshed.

    This class uses a yoga mat and yoga blocks. If you don't have blocks at home, you can use a stiff pillow, a stack of books or anyth...