Lisa Sanson

Lisa Sanson

Lisa Sanson is a YYOGA teacher trainer and YHot, Hatha, Flow, Power, and Yin teacher.

She aims to offer a balanced class of strength building and stretching with a little philosophy or psychology sprinkled through. Lisa hopes to challenge and nurture both beginners and more advanced students; guiding with clear and simple instruction to start, then offering more complex intricacies to explore if desired. She encourage students to examine what they need from their practice in order to live better in their bodies and in their lives.

Check out Lisa's incredible tutorials and classes!


Lisa Sanson
  • Meditation for Presence (20 min) - with Lisa Sanson

    Join Lisa for this 20-minute meditation focused on the present moment. This meditation is an active meditation in that we will be doing an action throughout it. It's meant to help you sense and feel your body. Your body is always in the present moment; it's your mind that takes you out of it.


  • Solid & Centred Flow (55 min) - with Lisa Sanson

    Join Lisa for a Flow yoga class focused on balance and stability. Lisa invites you to find your strong centre within the fluidity of the movement.
    There's an idea that if we spend the time to get to know ourselves, and we're clear about what's important to us, then we have that as our home to al...

  • Happy Hatha Yoga (30 min) - with Lisa Sanson

    30 minutes of a Happy Hatha yoga practice is the perfect way to start the day! Lisa encourages everyone to feel what they are feeling - not to stuff down any uncomfortable emotions just to pretend to enjoy the "fun" emotions. In this practice, however, she helps to show ways to "shift" your minds...

  • Holiday Flow (55 min) - with Lisa Sanson

    Join Lisa for 55 minutes of Flow Yoga! This is a "Holiday Flow" themed class because we will be leading up to Candy Cane Pose as our peak pose! This is a really fun flow to open you up and strengthen you. This can apply to the Holiday season as we open up to many people and celebrate at this time...

  • Rise & Flow (20 min) - with Lisa Sanson

    Join Lisa for a quick morning Flow Yoga class. This class will synch movement with breath, have you moving dynamically, and wake the spine. This class could also be done any time of the day to give you a little life. Try to set an intention before you begin - what energy would you like to bring i...

  • Yin & Yang (45 min) - with Lisa Sanson

    Lisa invites you to join her in this slower Flow and Yin yoga practice. This will be a gentle 45 minutes of movement and settling into yourself.
    The theme is all about opening yourself up to the world around you as well as taking the time to go inward and nourish yourself.

    Props: 2 blocks (or b...

  • Yoga for Tight Shoulders (35 min) - with Lisa Sanson

    Lisa is offering you a Hatha Yoga practice that will give a little extra love to your shoulders. So many of us have tight or sore necks and shoulders due to our posture from sitting all day, other sports, previous injuries, or even emotional stress. Yoga is a great way to release some of this ten...

  • Yin to Counter the Effects of Sitting (35 min) - with Lisa Sanson

    Take some time to slow down and stretch with Lisa. Many of us sit for long periods of time, whether for work or leisure. This Yin practice is a slow & gentle practice and includes long holds to counter the effects of sitting.
    Optional Props: a bolster (or pillows/cushions) and blocks (or books/p...

  • Post Work Flow (50 min) - with Lisa Sanson

    No matter the day or type of work you do, you deserve a good rest. Join Lisa for 50 minutes of Flow Yoga to wind you down after your day. Find feel-good movement, tune into yourself, and prepare for rest.
    No props required. All levels friendly

  • Flow for Acceptance & Commitment (50 min) - with Lisa Sanson

    Welcome to a practice of Flow Yoga that is based on a therapeutic approach called "Acceptance & Commitment Therapy". Through this practice, notice where you are at (physically, mentally, emotionally), and simply accept it. Accept the thoughts, emotions, and feelings that come up, then commit to s...

  • Yin to Release (50 min) - with Lisa Sanson

    Put down the weight of your day and let it all just fade away. Come back to you. Come back to the deeper part of yourself that is beneath the judgemental mind. Find calm and quiet.
    Join Lisa for a 50 minute Yin class to release. This could be releasing physical tension, stress, or any other form...

  • Midday Yoga Reset (30 min) - with Lisa Sanson

    This is truly a class you can take anywhere. This Hatha-Flow class is 30 minutes of standing movement. You will feel reset after this balanced practice that will build strength as well as give you a good stretch.
    This class is designed to be done while traveling, at work, outdoors, or other plac...

  • Yin to Decompress (30 min) - with Lisa Sanson

    Lay down the weight of your workday. Take 30 minutes to decompress and let go for a more relaxed evening and more restful sleep.
    Props: Lisa is using two blocks. At home, you can use some cushions or pillows. In Yin, props are used for passive stretching, so having these tools can allow you to s...

  • Hatha for Your Soles (45 min) - with Lisa Sanson

    Join Lisa for a 45 minute Hatha class, paying extra attention to your feet. At the beginning of this practice, we will spend some time nourishing our feet and the soles of our feet, which can have benefits for your whole body. We will also move through postures synchronized with our breath, build...

  • Put Down the Weight of Your Day (20 min) - with Lisa Sanson

    Join Lisa to put down the weight of your day. This is a Yin Yoga class to de-stress you and prepare you for a quiet evening or to sleep. Sometimes, we end a day feeling heavy. This practice is all about letting that weight go.
    Yin Yoga is a slow-paced practice that uses long deep stretching, to ...

  • Find Your Centre Flow (60 min) - with Lisa Sanson

    Join Lisa for this 60 minute Flow Yoga practice!
    Find your centre flow is an all-levels practice for balance and stability. Stability is not just standing still like a pillar, it's actually your ability to waver and then find your centre again. As we move through different balancing postures, kee...

  • Rise & Give Me 20 (22 min) - with Lisa Sanson

    Join Lisa for this quick, Rise & Flow practice! This class is just over 20 minutes long, but it is the perfect way to start your day. Although this is a quick practice, it will get your blood pumping and include breathwork as well as a great stretch.
    This is a Flow Yoga practice. Flow Yoga is a ...

  • Hatha for Gratitude (33 min) - with Lisa Sanson

    Join Lisa for 30 minutes of Hatha for Gratitude.
    What is Hatha for Gratitude? What Lisa says it makes her think of, is an open heart: open to receive and open to give. There's also a place for bowing down in Gratitude. It feels kind of different, but it's also important. So, Lisa will offer both...

  • Hatha for Wellbeing (35 min) - with Lisa Sanson

    Join Lisa for a 35 minute Hatha for your Wellbeing class. As Lisa says, all yoga is good for your wellbeing, but this class has a little extra sweetness. Lisa has chosen a variety of poses that are known to benefit our bodies. Some, in particular, have a focus on regulating the nervous system thr...

  • Flowing Hatha (45 min) - with Lisa Sanson

    Join Lisa for a 45-minute practice. This is going to be a strong Hatha-Flow yoga class, so keep in mind the idea of "strong". Lisa encourages you to find your own strength as you move through the practice and to modify where you need to to be able to connect with your breath and practice proper a...

  • Happy Hatha Sequence (45 min) - with Lisa Sanson

    We invite you to Lisa for this 45-minute Happy Hatha yoga class. This is a great class to focus on being present, to check in with your body, and to move in a mindful way.
    This is a slower practice that emphasizes a balance of postural alignment and breathing techniques to stretch and strengthen...

  • Flow State (60 min) - with Lisa Sanson

    Join Lisa for a minimal cueing, Flow State class!
    In positive psychology, a flow state is a mental state in which a person performing some activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity.
    This class is a minimal cueing cla...

  • Hips & Shoulder Opening Flow (48 min) - with Lisa Sanson

    Join Lisa for a 48 minute Flow Yoga practice that will move your body in all the directions it needs to move. This will be a fluid flow, moving through a number of different shapes, poses, and angles. This class will especially open your hips and shoulders.
    No props necessary!

  • Mini Flow & Meditation (30 min) - with Lisa Sanson

    Join Lisa for this Flow & Meditation class. In this 30-minute practice, we will start with some movement and vinyasas, and finish with a short, guided meditation at the end. Flow yoga is a dynamic sequence of postures in coordination with the breath.
    Lisa isn't using any props today, but feel fre...